Blend In With Ceramic Braces
What would you say if you could have all of the benefits of braces but in a discreet version without metal brackets?
Clear braces at Lifetime Orthodontics give you a great alternative to conventional braces in Clinton Township and Grosse Pointe.
Giving You a Clear Alternative to Metal
Clear braces offer Lifetime Orthodontic patients more cosmetic alternative to traditional metal braces. Dr. Wesley uses these ceramic brackets to create the same great results you want with an added level of discretion.
Clear braces work the same way as metal braces but without metal. The tooth-colored ceramic brackets blend into the teeth, making them challenging to spot.
Differences Between Ceramic & Metal Braces
People throughout Clinton Township and Grosse Pointe think of metal braces for their strength and durability. Ceramic braces are also tough.
Clear braces work the same way as metal braces and are equally as effective in most cases.
You may be worried about ceramic braces staining, but that hasn’t been a problem for several years. The teeth and the clear elastic ties that hold the wires in place can stain.
We will change your elastics at every visit, keeping them looking fresh!
If you maintain a good oral hygiene routine and follow the treatment plan designed by Dr. Wesley, you shouldn’t have to worry too much about giving up your morning cup of coffee or evening glass of wine.
Best for Adults
Clear braces offer an alternative to traditional metal braces that is much more aesthetic. The ceramic brackets give you the same great results as their metal counterparts but with an added level of discreetness.
After a thorough orthodontic evaluation with Dr. Wesley, we can determine which appliance style best suits you and your smile. Schedule a free consultation at our office in Clinton Township or Grosse Pointe to learn if they may be right for you.